Matike Mai Māori Constitutional Convention Address by Moana Jackson

Moana Jackson

Moana Jackson address Matike Mai Constitutional convention 3 Feb 2021

He Whakaputanga – Declaration of Independence 1835

Dayle Takitimu

Māori sovereign rights lawyer and Te Whānau a Apanui writer, strategist and Māmā, Dayle Takitimu presents the Dr Moana Jackson Memorial Address on He Whakaputanga o te Rangatiratanga o Niu Tireni, The Declaration of Independence 1835. Te Runanga o Ngāti Kahungunu continues this annual conversation that Moana would give to ensure The Declaration of Independence 1835 remains at the fore of our thinking and development.

Moana Jackson’s Brilliant Overview of Pakeha British Colonial Crown abuses against Māori

Moana Jackson

Why did Māori never have prisons?

Moana Jackson

Moana Jackson is a prominent constitutional lawyer and Māori and indigenous expert. In this talk he explores the question "why did Māori never have prisons?", drawing on his decades of research and advocacy around Māori and the New Zealand justice system.